國際攀山聯盟(UIAA)將於2021年3月19日舉行UIAA Mountain Network Series / Mountain Worker Initiative網絡研討會。
報名連結: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_b3ufaLUNTGKXU5qAnaGYHA
The UIAA is set to launch its first live Webinar in the Mountain Network Series dedicated to the Mountain Worker Initiative.
The first webinar is scheduled for Friday 19 March (08:00 – 09:30 EST; 14:00 – 15:30 CET; 18:45 – 20:15 NPT) and will centre on the recent creation of a Mountain Worker Initiative, a project guided by the UIAA Mountaineering Commission which aims to help support and improve the conditions of the trekking industry. Centred initially on Nepal, the Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) and the Trekking Agencies’ Association of Nepal (TAAN) will lead the initiative's first in-country working group.
- Opening Address from UIAA President, Peter Muir
- Screening of The Porter: The Untold Story at Everest (click for trailer)
A young privileged American "Nathaniel J. Menninger" attempts to make history at Everest by becoming a Himalaya Porter. But in his journey to succeed, experiences a harrowing reality instead. This is an inside look at the darker side of Everest. At the strength, pride and pain of those whose support it. And at just how hard it is for a naive foreigner to attempt the same. This is The Porter.
Q & A After Film with panellists:
Peter Farkas / President Mountcom
Steve Long / UIAA Management Committee & President Training Panel
Greg Moseley / UIAA Management Committee & President Mountain Club of South Africa
Kul Gurung / NMA General Secretary & UIAA Management Committee
Sarita Lama / Trekking Agencies' Association of Nepal (TAAN)
Nate Menninger / Director of The Porter: The Untold Story at Everest
To Register in advance for this webinar click here.
Please subscribe to the UIAA YouTube channel for reminders about Mountain Network Series webinars. Details on events will also be posted on the UIAA Facebook page